2019 April 1 Meeting Minutes


Veterans Group

Date: April 1, 2019

The meeting was opened at 6:20 pm with Robert Casey presiding. Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call
There was a total of 28 members and spouses present for the Pot Luck Dinner. All those attending enjoyed themselves.

Five members signed up at the dinner. Two were new to the Group: Larry Caplinger and Kermit Prather. Three old members rejoined: Paul Kendall, Steve Hurley and Tom Beckmeyer. In January Scott Carpenter and Gene Livezey joined, and in February Raleigh Towns joined and Michael Adams rejoined. We started with FIVE members in January and now have FOURTEEN members.

Meeting Minutes:
No minutes were read.

Financial Report for March:
Beginning Balance: $780.16
Total Income: $0
Total Debit: $79.75
Ending Balance: $706.41

Old Business:
The Flag Day ceremony is being worked on and will be finalized in May for the June 3rd meeting.

New Business:
The subject of Memorial Day Ceremonies was asked about. Discussion on the subject will be discussed at the May Meeting.

General Open Discussion
It was mentioned that the Group should be doing more to recognize the efforts that the spouses have contributed to the well-being of the veterans. This will be discussed at the May meeting

Mary Magerowski won the 50/50 drawing and donated half of the winnings back to the Group.
The meeting was closed at 8:00 pm.

Submitted by Anthony Magerowski

As a bonus, pulled pork sandwiches will be served at the next meeting, May 6, 2019.