2019 March 4 Meeting Minutes


Veterans Group

Date: March 4, 2019

The meeting was opened at 7:00 pm with Robert Casey presiding.

Roll Call
There was a total of 8 members present.

Meeting Minutes:
The Feb. 4th meeting minutes were read and accepted as read with one change. The members at the last meeting were 9 not 8 as reported.

Financial Report:
Beginning Balance: $85.16
Total Income: $785.00
Total Debit: $90.00
Ending Balance: $78.16

Old Business:
An outline of the Flag Day Ceremony on June 14th was discussed with the following result. Flag raising will be at 10:00 am, Flag Retirement will start after it and there will be coffee and cake in the Club House to follow.

All necessary documents have been filed with the Government and the Group checking account has been opened with all monies deposited.

New Business:
At the next meeting, April 1st, the Group will hold its first get together for members by having a Pot Luck dinner. The dinner is a “get to know each other” better and socialize. The dinner will start at 6:00 pm in the AC main meeting room. Pulled pork, coffee, tea and soda will be supplied by the Group. BYOB and a dish to pass.

General Open Discussion
An ad has to be placed in the newspaper to establish that the Group is now in operation. It will cost $59.00. Michael Adams will take care of the details.

The 50/50 drawing was won by Michael Adams.
The meeting was closed at 8:00 pm.

Submitted by: Anthony Magerowski