2019 February 4 Meeting Minutes


Veterans Group

Date: February 4, 2019

The meeting was opened at 7:00 pm with Tony Magerowski presiding.
Roll Call
There was a total of 8 members present.
Meeting Minutes:
No meeting notes were read.

Financial Report:
Beginning Balance: $0.00
Total Income: $96.00
Total Debit: $10.84
Ending Balance: $85.16

New Business:
Our next ceremony will be on Flag Day, June 14, 2019. Details will be announced at a later date.

Old Business:
A discussion was held to determine if the new organization should be a Service Club or a social group. After input by all members present, it was decided to start as a social group. The name will be Strawberry Ridge Veterans Group. We will meet the first Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Activity Center main room. All Veterans, male or female are welcome to join in the activities.
We will operate under simple rules that will be published on the Blog.
All officers are volunteers and are as follows: Bob Casey, Chairman; Michael Adams, Finance: and Tony Magerowski, Secretary.

General Open Discussion
Tony Magerowski submitted a draft of what the Rules of Operation should look like. After input from the floor and with some modifications, a motion was given by Harry Dunlap and seconded by Jim Dahms to accept the rules dated February 4, 2019. The motion passed with a 8-0 vote.

A motion to adjourn was given by John Ziarno and seconded by Harry Dunlap. Motion passed by a vote of 8-0. The meeting was closed at 8:14 pm.

Submitted by: Anthony Magerowski