2021 January 4 Meeting Minutes




Veterans Group


Date: January 4, 2021

The meeting was opened at 7:05 pm with President Robert Casey presiding. Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call

All officers were present. A total of 6 members were present. We have one new member, Justin Laing.

Meeting Minutes:

The minutes of the December meeting were read. A motion to accept as read was given by Larry Caplinger and second by Dave Phillips. The motion was passed by a vote of the members present.

Financial Report:

Being Balance $927.64

Income $19.00 (50/50 drawing)

Ending Balance $946.64

Old Business:

The X-Mas tree was taken down before the meeting and stored for another year.

New Business:

The yearly dues are now due and the 6 members present paid theirs.

Ideas were submitted as to how we can help the Veterans of the park and else where and increase our membership. Here are the suggestions: 1. Help the Am Vets repair wheelchairs. Larry Caplinger and Bob Casey will check into it. 2. VA Homeless clinic donation. Justin Laing will check into that. 3. Donate to the Benevolent Fund. After a short discussion, a motion to donate $100 to the fund was given by Larry Caplinger and seconded by Dave Phillips. The motion passed by a vote of the members present. 4. A raffle to get people interested in the Veterans club. More discussion will be held at our next meeting. 5. Holding a potluck dinner outside of the park. More discussion will be held at our next meeting.


Tony Magerowski won the 50/50 drawing and donated it back to the Group. The total 50/50 drawing was $22.00. A motion to adjourn was given by Larry Caplinger and seconded by Dave Phillips. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

The next meeting will be on Monday, February 1, 2021, at 7:00 pm in the main room of the AC.

Submitted by Anthony Magerowski