Veterans Group
Date: March 1, 2021
The meeting was opened at 7:00 pm with Secretary/Treasurer Tony Magerowski presiding. Opening ceremonies were conducted.
Roll Call
All officers were present except Bob Casey. A total of 8 members were present in person and one member by zoom. We have one new member, Bob Brigden.
Meeting Minutes:
The minutes of the February meeting were read. A motion to accept as read was given by Don Gugel and seconded by Dave Phillips. The motion was passed by a vote of the members present.
Financial Report:
Being Balance $903.14
Income $17.00 (50/50 drawing)
Ending Balance $920.14
Old Business:
Larry Caplinger visited Am Vets Post 44 to look at the wheelchairs. No action will be taken by the Club due to the poor condition of the chairs and the cost involved.
The members have decided that there will be a dinner outing in April at the Golden Corral on Lumsden and Providence, for active Club members and their wives and/or a friend. The dinner will be at 6:00 pm on Monday, April 5th. The Club will give a $10.00 rebate per person attending to help offset the meal cost.
New Business:
On Saturday, March 13th, there will be a food drive at the AM Vet Post 44 to help the Strawberry Ridge Food Pantry. Larry Caplinger will be at the Post at 9:00 am and would like any veterans from SBR to help him out. Plans for the Memorials Day ceremonies, headed by Larry Caplinger, are in the works and will be finalized in May. Flag Day Ceremonies needs a member to step up and take charge of it. This will be done at the May meeting.
Tony Magerowski won the 50/50 drawing and donated it back to the Group. The total 50/50 drawing was $27.00. A motion to adjourn was given by Don Gugel and seconded by Larry Caplinger. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.
The next regular meeting will be on Monday, May 3, 2021, at 7:00 pm in the main room of the AC.
Submitted by Anthony Magerowski