2020 December 7 Meeting Minutes



December 7, 2020

The meeting was opened at 7:05 pm with President Robert Casey presiding. Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call

All officers were present. A total of 6 members were present and 1 guest.

Meeting Minutes:

The minutes of the November meeting were read. A motion to accept as read was given by Ken Belles and seconded by Paul Kendall. The motion was passed by a vote of the members present.

Financial Report:

Being Balance $678.64

Income $249.00 (Scooter sale and 50/50 drawing)

Ending Balance $927.64

Old Business:

Dinner for the Ladies will be cancelled due to the continuing pandemic.

Larry Caplinger and Ken Windisch handled the Veterans Day Program and did a very good job for it.

There will be no X-Mas party this year.

New Business:

Being Pearl Harbor Day, each member gave a short history of their tour of duty. It was very interesting as to where and when it all happened for them.

It was also reported that no lights are on at the Flag Pole at the CH. It has been reported to Management but has not been repaired as of the meeting date. It will be reported again.

Bob Casey and A. Magerowski will put up the X-Mas tree this week.


Tony Magerowski won the 50/50 drawing and donated it back to the Group. The total 50/50 drawing was $19.00. A motion to adjourn was given by Ken Windisch and seconded by Paul Kendall. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

The next meeting will be on Monday, January 4, 2021, at 7:00 pm in the main room of the AC.

Submitted by Anthony Magerowski